Beth Chong
Beth Chong
0 Reviews

Tour Destination(s):


Lives in

Penang, Malaysia


30.0 years guiding



My interest in travel started from childhood and when I was a teenager, I went for my first solo backpacking trip to Paris and London. It resulted in my working in the Tourism Industry and eventually becoming a nationally licensed Tourist Guide of Malaysia. I managed to go to almost to every corner of my country and now, have become a trainer of Tourist Guides imparting knowledge and experience to the new guides. I want to share and provide local experiences to travellers who come to Penang. Being from the Baba Nyonya community, I had the privilege of learning how to prepare their delicacies from young. Partaking in the cuisine is definitely part of the local experience. With my years of being a heritage and cultural guide as well as a nyonya who cooks, I hope to share an inside look into my culture, taste and memories.